Busy, Busy, Busy


For those of you who check blogs as obsessively as I do, my sincerest apologies for being incommunicado for so long. My life has been insane the last couple of weeks. I have to make an appointment to talk to my parents...no joke. It's that bad. I work so much and have so much to do when I get home, and I'm hardly ever close to a computer. These things contribute to my absence. But, no excuses, I'm sorry.

I'm close to being done with my law school applications. I cannot wait until that is over. At this point, I'm indifferent about whether or not I get in. I just want it to be over.

I had a lovely Valentine's Day with all of my proud single friends :) They all came over here, got sick from eating to much, and laughed way to hard. The only thing missing was Nick. It was strange getting together without him. But, we did call him and wake him and his roommates up while screaming at my speaker phone. They were happy to hear from us. Which leads to the next point...

Nick and Tony left for Iraq in the wee hours of Monday morning. By the time they were ready to leave, they were actually excited and anxious to go. I could hear the excitement of everyone in the background. Tony even told me to "pray for the dirtbags we're going to bring in...they'll need it." These guys are ready to serve our country and the people of Iraq. They're completely focused on snuffing out terrorism. It was actually inspiring to hear them talk about it. It was also a relief.

We had been through our share of agony about their parting. It put our hearts at ease to hear of the peace the Lord had given them both. Nick told me to tell all our friends that he loves them, and wouldn't be excited about leaving for Iraq if it weren't for us. That meant a lot to hear. I love being able to say thank you to the men (and women) of our armed forces. He kept saying that he felt undeserving or overwhelmed by all of the support he received from us. But in all honesty, it was the least I could do to thank him and his company for risking their lives, living in horrible conditions, so that I could love comfortably in the land I love. There aren't enough care packages in the whole world that could truly express my gratitude.

We're praying earnestly for them every day. It's impossible not to think of them. I'm so thankful for men like Nick and Tony. Lord, bless and keep them. Be a shield about them. Be their strength, their fortress, their deliverer and strong tower. Bring them home safely.

Thank you,

Posted by Portia at February 18, 2004 11:39 PM