Portia Contributors

This site bears the name of one of Shakespeare's most courageous and intelligent heroines. To find out more about Portia, click here. As for the contributors to Portia Rediscovered:

Portia, the blog mastermind, has been blogging about politics and pop culture since 2004, due in part to the influence of Blog Father Hugh Hewitt. She holds a B.A. in Communication Studies, with an emphasis in Rhetorical Criticism, from Cal State Northridge. She is currently beginning a graduate program at her favorite Pac-10 school where she will receive her M.S. in Education in 2008.

A multi-faceted blogger, Portia has been a public speaker, teacher, worship leader, travel junkie, and bookworm for about as long as she can remember. Though she wishes she could add "concert violinist" and "linguist extraordinaire" to the list.

She believes strongly in personal responsibility, good citizenship, and maintains an unwavering devotion to the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty.

Mutti, aka Dee, considers the greatest accomplishment in her life to be raising three kids who now love and serve God and country. She and her husband Bill met during the crest of the Jesus Movement at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa in the '70's. For the last 19 years, she has taught art to K-12 students in private, public and charter schools. Her great passions now are her rose garden, collecting old and rare books, serving with her husband as lay counselors in church and mentoring young moms once a week through a Bible study at their church. She is also an admitted Little Green Footballs addict.

Portia considers her one of her all time greatest influences and role models.

MacStansburyMacStansbury, Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, and internet mogul, proprietor of The Blorg, and an 18-year computer junkie. His evil tendrils run far and wide, and his reign of terror is well known for it's evilness.

This site wouldn't be what it is without the genius tech support of John Stansbury, or as we all affectionately call him, "Mac." He has a far more comprehensive bio here. In addition to evil, he has a wide array of nicknames. He's also graduated from college, with a degree in Public Relations, and a variety of minors garnered of his 27 years in college (it felt like that, anyways).

His occasional wit and ability to resize images are invaluable to Portia Rediscovered's Public Relations team. The team, PRPR for short, is after one thing: high quality images that will get downloaded by people in Google Images, and hotlinked all over God's greatest gift to mankind, MySpace. If there's nothing we'd rather do, it would be surfing MySpace all day long.

Posted by Portia at November 5, 2005 10:49 PM