Hope for Tomorrow


Amidst all of the tragic news coming from the Middle East regarding the deaths of our servicemen, there is wonderful news. We still have good men in this country. I'm sure most of you have heard about the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman. If not, click here to read about the sacrifices he made for you and me. But he's not the only one.

Soldiers are re-enlisting in strong numbers. 28,406 strong. We have a great deal of good men willing to go back into harm's way to preserve and defend our freedom. Our friend Sgt. Tony Roth is one of them.

I have hope when I read about such men. It's easy to be discouraged about the collective character of our nation when our only news sources report nothing positive. But every once in a while a little ray of light will pierce through the thick clouds called journalism to give us hope that we just might survive if we continue to produce men with the integrity and moral fortitude that Sgt. Tillman had.

Posted by Portia at April 27, 2004 12:24 PM