So Sorry

So, I recognize that the last two posts I've had were both promises of longer posts, and I never fulfilled them. A thousand apologies. So, an update on my life and various circumstances.

We welcomed Nick home last Tuesday, and had a blast doing it. Visiting a Marine base was certainly icing on the cake (Jon was really thrilled to be in a van of giddy, giggling girls.) For a full recap of the story, see my friend Kristin's blog, with a link located on the left of this page. She is quite detailed...don't think she left one thing out.

I'm still catching up on sleep from last week, and as I type, it's way past my bedtime. I've never been really good at motivating myself to sleep. I always feel as though I'm going to miss something.

My European vacation is starting to stress me out a bit. I've just paid for my program in full. Watching months worth of savings leave your bank account in a matter of minutes is quite painful, I've discovered. ..

I'm still working on buying a plane ticket out there...that would be important. Prices for tickets are so darn expensive. If anyone knows of any deals or any way around paying nearly $1000 for a round trip, PLEASE let me know.

I'm still placing it all in the Lord's most capable hands. Doug Andersen said something so great on Sunday. He quoted the verse that says, "My God will supply all my needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus." Doug pointed out that it is according to HIS riches, not my own, or what I'm capable of attaining. I am fully amenable to that. To quote John Kerry and G.W., "Bring it on" Lord. :)

Posted by Portia at June 3, 2004 12:29 AM

Hey Woman! It was so great to talk with you last night! I feel very inspired to go forth with all that was discussed. You are such an amazing friend and I am more than blessed to have you in my life. I love you! Thank you for everything!

Posted by: Kristin at June 3, 2004 08:47 AM

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Posted by: Emily at June 21, 2004 10:30 AM