For those of you who aren't watching the Republican National Convention, you are missing out on quite a display of eloquent speeches and patriotic revelry. I personally enjoy the occasional reminder of why I believe what I do. Every so often I need that little boost that conferences and conventions so adequately provide. And the RNC is no exception.

Senator McCain was brilliant last night. He is unbelievably articulate, weaving his words so beautifully together to create a masterpiece of a speech. I had to study numerous speeches when I was in college, and my favorites inevitably fell somewhere before the 1960's (spare some of JFK's and all of Ronald Reagan's speeches). But rarely did I ever find contemporary speeches that moved me and could hold up to the standard set by masters such as Lincoln, FDR, Churchill and others. However, McCain's speech last night truly was reminiscent of better times, rhetorically speaking. I was moved to tears at points and simply inspired the rest. I also appreciated the fact that he never acknowledged John Kerry in his speech. The more we stray from the disgusting, vitriolic hate speech that the left is so guilty of, the better. Senator McCain is quite a man. I have a feeling that he's the one to watch for the Republican ticket in '08.

One of my more favorite moments came when the entire place stood up and very vocally proclaimed "Four More Years!!" to Michael Moore. Normally I am uncomfortable with any emotional display by a mass of people, but last night I was thrilled. That man needs to hear from intelligent people that they have no respect for him and are purposed to re-elect the best man for the job, George W. Bush. End of story.

Rudy Giuliani was brilliant! He is so charismatic. I whole heartedly enjoyed his speech, though it was long. I appreciated his absolute forthrightness regarding the mainstream media's coverage, or lack thereof, of events such as the persecution of African Christians in the Sudan. His honesty was quite refreshing among the throng of political correctness over Islam that has hounded our nation since 9/11. Though I still think that someone needs to publicly acknowledge the fact that the Qu'ran in fact not only allows for but encourages the forceful oppression of non-believers, making the murder of them an option. It is technically not a religion of peace, and I, for one, am sick of hearing politicians from both sides of the aisle try to convince me otherwise. It needs reform. But enough of that.

I would encourage all of you to watch what you can of the next three nights of the RNC. It is truly exciting and might serve as a good push into the deep end for those of you who desire to be politically savvy but have never had too much motivation or opportunity. This is your chance. Take it.


Posted by Portia at August 30, 2004 10:29 PM