
A thousand apologies for not posting anything today. I will be back tomorrow with the latest coming out of both the Kerry and Bush camps, as well as "Emily's Voter Guide," at least for the California voters.

I've just come back from a meeting sponsored by the Christian Israel Nexus. It was a powerful gathering of Jews and Christians alike expressing their loyal support of the state of Israel. The Jewish leaders behind the event also chose to use it as a Memorial for our beloved Pastor Scott Bauer who passed away suddenly last October 24. He was a friend to the Jewish community and their love for him was more than evident tonight.

I will give a brief account of all that transpired there tomorrow, as well as ways you can get involved in supporting Israel. If you are a Christian, it is imperative you do so. If you are a Jew, you don't even need me to say that. And if you're an athiest or a member of some other religion, it would do you well to understand the significance of this country and how supporting her preserves civilization.

More to come manana (that's tomorrow for those of you not from L.A.),

Posted by Portia at October 15, 2004 12:02 AM