Special Day

Today is a very unique day, for it is the day after "The Worst (or Most Depressing) Day of the Year," according to a British study. This is a day of hope, of new life, of new beginnings, and it's also the birthday of three very amazing people I know.

Happy Birthday Liz! And Happy Birthday Alex!!

Yea for mid-twenties!! I think we're handling this awkward stage, the mid-point between young adulthood and full fledged adulthood, quite gracefully.  May this be our best year yet!


Posted by Portia at January 25, 2005 08:44 AM

WOO HOO!!!! EMILY IS TURNING 2---um....i better not finish this sentence.....Older sister powers and all....she'd probably hund me down and give me a super-atomic-indian burn.......ouch!

Posted by: Peter at January 25, 2005 08:53 AM

Happity Birthday!!! So glad you were born! Cannot imagine what life would be like without you...you are such a delight in our lives with your heart, your wit and wisdom; love you sooo much. I'm proud to be your mom. Love Mutti

P.S. the 'happity' was a typo that I decided sounded rather, well, happity.

Posted by: Mutti at January 25, 2005 04:58 PM