
Time magazine is running an article on the 25 most influential Evangelicals in the U.S. I'd have to agree with all of them, but I think limiting it to 25 is naive. They left out Pastor Jack Hayford, which is also naive, as he is now the head of one of the largest denominations in the world, and who is on conference calls with President Bush as much as some of the ministers listed in this photo essay. Still, they're right on about most. Their wording is also quite fascinating. Time certainly does well highlighting the controversial aspects of some of the ministers, while completely ignoring what they really are all about (see the Joyce Meyer caption). That's bothersome but not unusual for MSM. At least they're talking about this.

Others who I think should be included are: Greg Laurie (huge oversight not including him), Paul and Jan Crouch (as much as I dislike purple hair, they own TBN, so their exclusion is also odd), Richard E. Sterns (president of World Vision).
Some Catholics that should be lumped in with the Protestants: Mel Gibson (goes without saying he's made an enormous impact in the US and abroad) and Sean Hannity (like him or not, he's influential and well loved by conservatives). These are a few men I could think of off the top of my head.

Again I have to give this "hat tip" to Relevant Mag. Wouldn't have known about it otherwise. Great site if you haven't been.  (Ironically, the editor of Relevant, Cameron Strang, is the son of Stephen who is on the top 25 list, and for good reason...he basically owns the Christian publishing industry. He's a good man.)

Posted by Portia at February 1, 2005 10:56 PM