Panties Still Firmly Bunched

Hysteria is a name and characteristic synonymous with the Left, which Dennis Prager will tell you. (Hat tip: Muzzy.) Virtually every tenet and belief of theirs is predicated upon complete and absolute hysteria. I've seen it, tried to debate it, given up on it. It is not something I frequently encounter with the Right. Within the Christian community, I've seen it. It always happens when people let their emotions get the better of them (hence why I'm fully opposed to a woman in the Oval Office).

However, the Right is uncharacteristically manic over the SCOTUS nominee Harriet Miers. Thomas Sowell has an excellent piece about the hysteria behind the nomination. He tries to address the "she's going to be Sandra Day O'Conner" crowd, as well as the "where the heck did she come from?" crowd. And he does so so eloquently.

Looming in the background is the specter of people like Justice Anthony Kennedy, who went on the High Court with a "conservative" label and then succumbed to the Washington liberal culture. But while the past is undeniable, it is also not predestination.

This administration needs to be held responsible for its own shortcomings but not those of previous Republican administrations

Click here to read the rest.

In the meantime, I'm still sticking to the "be still and know" principle. Whining, complaining, thrashing about on personal blogs won't help this situation. Mindfulness, prayer, and upholding expectations of a Supreme Court Justice will help.

Posted by Portia at October 7, 2005 11:18 PM | TrackBack

you see, you and I differ on that. I'd love to have a woman in the Oval Office. honestly, sometimes you can be such a prude...


you probably meant a woman President.



I think you're right. a woman President, I'll shut up now...

brother, I gotta think about these things before I post them

Posted by: MacStansbury at October 8, 2005 01:27 PM