Evening Well Spent

Tonight's discussion on the Infiltration of Islam in the West was incredible, spare one lone CAIR plant. Alleged plant. The moderator for the evening was Avi Davis, who in his own right certainly could have contributed a great deal to the discussion. Avi is the co-founder of the Israel-Christian Nexus, an organization I fully support, not just intellectually and emotionally but financially. He is an accomplished attorney and journalist. He recently finished writing a book called Crucible of Conflict which is due out in the spring of '06. He also has a website, which is www.jewsweek.com.

Robert Spencer kicked off the bulk of the discussion with a lesson in the history of Islam and Jihad. He was very careful to fully back his claims with scriptures from the Qu'ran and other Islamic texts. I would go into his arguments, but frankly, I'm exhausted and have a full day ahead of me. The second part of the discussion resumes tomorrow evening where he will be joined by a Rabbi as well. In the meantime, please visit his website JihadWatch and subsidiary DhimmiWatch (see previous post and left hand panel for links). And while you're at it, purchase his newest release and New York Times Bestseller (8 weeks running), The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades.

The other presenter was a brilliant Pakistani Muslim named Tashbi Sayyed, Ph.D. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Muslim World Today. He has degrees from multiple countries, speaks 3 languages and is an excellent resource on Islam. He had tremendously insightful and sobering things to say that I will relay to you tomorrow. He too will be there tomorrow evening for the continuation.

The theme of tonight was the History of Jihad. Tomorrow they will cover the Manifestations of Jihad in Modern History.

Though Bono and company mean well, and I do not doubt their sincerity, AIDS is not, in any way the single greatest threat to humanity as they would purport. It's the expansion of Islamic rule. AIDS may steal the body, but what of our rights, humanity and freedom being taken from us? What is life without freedom?

More to come. 

Posted by Portia at October 10, 2005 11:27 PM | TrackBack