1984? Try 2005.

After "potty parity," the doing away with the term "firemen" and other so called sexist terms, I cannot say I am surprised by this latest move by the radical, feminist left. However, it still deeply saddens/angers me.

Dennis Prager just finished discussing the article on his show.

To say that the word "freshman" is misogynistic and oppressive is one of the greatest abuses of thought and language that I can possibly think of. These throw back hippie, stick-it-to-the-man, feminist nutcases living in their ivory towers need to get out into the world and see what oppression and misogyny really is. First stop: The Middle East. Don't like the word "freshman?" How about female circumcision? Or not being allowed to show an ounce of skin in public. Or getting your throat slit or stoned to death simply because someone said you slept around, or because your brothers raped and impregnated you. How about forced abortions? What about those things ladies? Are those okay because they're culturally relative? Are we morally equivalent to those barbaric practices because it's evil not really sensitive to make judgments, on anything?

If there is one thing that gets me all worked up it's misguided anger that labels the wrong things "evil." When I was in college, in our Women in the Media classes, or our Interpersonal Communication classes or underwater basket weaving classes, the subject of oppressive male dominated speech patterns always seemed to come up. I was 18 years old when I entered my upper division classes and even at that age I remember being shocked, horrified and outraged that this was the front running issue on everyone's mind.  I remember trying to bring up the treatment of women in most places outside of the West, and getting blank "where did white girl come from?" stares. I eventually gave up trying to convince people that worse treatment was out there, that the terms "semester" and "waitress" were not going to keep them back from being successful, and more importantly happy and fulfilled.

This act, by this high school, shows the extent of the narcissism, willful ignorance and foolishness of many on the left, particularly those who ascribe to the feminist ideal.

I don't think this is the end of Western Civilization, but I do think this is one giant leap in the direction of an Orwellian Utopia.

Posted by Portia at October 24, 2005 12:20 PM | TrackBack

Good and timely post, Em.

Posted by: Muzzy at October 24, 2005 02:46 PM

Hi Muzzy,

Thank you. I wanted to comment on your Onion article on Pittsburgh. Made me laugh because I'm headed out there in Dec. I'll be on the look out for stray zombies.

Posted by: Portia at October 24, 2005 03:19 PM

freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN freshMAN etc.

Posted by: MacStansbury at October 24, 2005 07:45 PM