Democrats, Victicrats, Abortion, Islam and Cattle

The Alito hearings have shed a great deal of light on the positions and the priorities of the two parties in the Senate. While little girls have their throats slit by their father in Middle Eastern and Asian countries, Democratic Senators are worried about whether or not a woman in America will always have the opportunity to slit her unborn's throat, ostensibly, at her bidding.

As I've previously written, Democrats treat pregnancy as though it were an all out hostile invasion upon a woman's body and that she has been subjected to this oppression by no choice of her own. It's classic pandering to a victim mentality, which is what the Democratic Party is famous for. Gone are the days of personal responsibility and real choices; it's all about the blame game, as we all know.

However, in making the woman out to be a poor, helpless victim, what they're really doing is actually creating a victim out of the baby, who really is poor and helpless. It's irony at its best, or worst.

The Democratic Party has become a club of thoughtless politicians and mindless followers. Now, granted, there are always exceptions to the rule, but as a general principle, it is virtually impossible to be a deep critical thinker and hold true to their party's ideals. Thinkers aren't victims. The Democrats want drones to accept their meaningless diatribes. It doesn't jive with logic that they're pro-abortion and anti-capital punishment (though they're constantly trying to prove otherwise and instead accusing pro-life/pro-capital punishment people of inconsistency. That's another article for another day). In fact, most of their deeply held beliefs would not fly if put through the logic ringer.

In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis says (of the difference between God's and the devil's intentions for people), "We want cattle who can finally become food; He [God] wants servants who can finally become sons." People on the left often scoff at religion, claiming it brainwashes its followers. Quite the opposite. Religion puts into practice the highest faculties known to man and creates an insatiable appetite for excellence. Not so on the secular left.

They want kids to watch MTV, vote mindlessly, engage in as much promiscuity as possible, uphold affirmative action, support abortion, protest war, and on and on. The Republicans demand no such things of their party members. There is tremendous diversity within the right, and that's how we like it.

The Lewis quote has frightening parallels with Islam. Dr. Sayeed Tashbi, the editor-in-chief of Muslim World Today and a Muslim himself, speaking of how Islam utilizes dhimmitude to remove critical thought of followers says, "No one could accept this ideology if allowed to remain free thinkers." It is no wonder that the greatest apologists for Islam in our country are leftists. Neither group believes in free thought, let alone critical thought.

The battle on our shores for the minds of the next generation is very subtle, which makes it all the more difficult to fight. But it must be fought. We must awaken the brain synapses of the young people in America or we can kiss our religious freedoms and our principles of free speech goodbye.

Posted by Portia at January 10, 2006 10:44 PM | TrackBack