Portia's California Voter Guide for 6/6/06

Quick note: I have not personally researched many of these candidates, but trustworthy conservatives are backing them so they're going on this site.

Statewide Ballot:

Vote NO on every Proposition. That is, unless you would enjoy seeing less money on your paychecks.

Governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger

United States Senate: Dick Mountjoy

Lt. Governor of California: Senator Tom McClintock

State Controller: Assemblyman Tony Strickland

Sec. of State: Democrat running unopposed. Leave this one blank.

State Treasurer: Claude Parrish

Attorney General: Chuck Poochigian

Insurance Commissioner: No recommendation. Another candidate I don't support is running unopposed. (Where are the conservatives, for cryin' out loud?)

Board of Equalization, Dist 1: unopposed Republican

Board of Equalization, Dist 2: Bill Leonard

Board of Equalization, District 3: According to conservatives, either would be a good choice. Michelle Steele or Ray Haynes.

Board of Equalization, Dist 4: Glen Forsch

Superintendant of Public Instruction: Since you can't vote for me, the Republicans support Diane Lenning, apparently. I'm not sure about anyone running for this, but I'll go with her for this non-partisan office.

Judicial Candidates:

The California Republican Lawyers Association has their official endorsements up at this site. Their site is still under construction. Not good timing.

For Los Angeles candidates, Robyn Nordell has a comprehensive list of conservatives to vote for.

However, Portia parts ways with her recommendation for Supervisor 3rd District (occupied presently by Zev Yaroslovsky...you may remember him from his crusade to tear the cross of the L.A. County seal). We here at Portia Rediscovered strongly endorse Randolph Springer. However, he may split the vote. I'll get back to you on this one...

That's the best we can do for now.

Posted by Portia at June 6, 2006 07:47 AM | TrackBack

I would recommend not voting for ray haynes. he is a sleeze to the 3rd degree. He had an affair with a chief of staff, then illegally fired the staffer who found out and told on him. I know Michelle personally and she is an outstanding, great lady. Also, what do you have against Poizner? He's wife is a democratic which is why the donations to Kerry where in his name. He is honestly a great guy and it doesnt matter if you're moderate or conservative when you're insurance commish. Your own personal, social political beliefs have nothing to do with the position. You just need to have a desire to not rip off the general public, like Garamendi is doing now. Plus, do you really want Bustamante who's only campaign pledge is to lose weight, as the next insurance commish?

Posted by: shira rawlinson at June 6, 2006 01:58 PM

Dick Mountjoy...he he.

Posted by: the Pirate at June 6, 2006 02:08 PM