Can I purchase a ticket to the UK? One-way please...

This is hilariously funny, in an incredibly sad, sad sort of way.

Please pass the Jawa Juice!

Umada, 27, and Yunyun, 24, both from London, want the day to be renamed the ‘Interstellar Day of Tolerance’ to reflect millions of people across the globe who have chosen to follow the Jedi code as a religion and truly reflect social diversity.

Apparently someone forgot to tell them that their numbers are much less than one million...priceless. Now take me to your leader.

And your quote of the day goes to Jedi Umada for his entry:

"Like the UN, the Jedi Knights are peacekeepers and we feel we have the basic right to express our religion through wearing our robes, and to be recognised by the national and international community."

Now if we can only have a small force of Jedi to fight "the phantom menace" (terrorists)...I'm sure Ackmed would be terrified of Umada's toy lightsaber and willingness to finally move out from his parent's basement...once this relationship with his online gf, "hawtgurl_251", pans out.

Posted by Nasa Nerd at November 16, 2006 09:38 AM | TrackBack