Attila's Hunt

We have a contest! In his stand up routine, Jeff Foxworth says, "Sophisticated people invest their money in stocks and bonds. Red necks play the lottery." Well, now you have an opportunity to win something better than millions of dollars. That's right. You could win Mark Steyn's book. If you aren't familiar with the man, shame on you. He's brilliant and his book "is worth it's weight in gold." He's also on my "Must Read Columnists" blogroll. Point, click,! :)

Alright...the details. Fellow Cotillion member, Joy McCann, or Little Miss Attila, is trying to find a name for her copyediting business. The winner walks away with Steyn's book. Check out the existing suggestions and make sure to show the world how witty and intelligent  PortiaRediscovered readers really are. Don't fail me! :)

Posted by Portia at July 13, 2005 12:17 PM