Mississippi Mud

I'm setting up a photo album of my trip to Waveland, Mississippi. (For those who don't know, I participated in hurricane relief.) I'm setting it as private, so you'll have to be invited to view the pictures. If you'd like to see them, please leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I'll send you the password.

I'll add more and more as I get others from my team members.

Posted by Portia at January 3, 2006 12:01 PM | TrackBack

I'd love to see them, Emily! :)

Posted by: Tammy at January 3, 2006 05:20 PM

It's me Emily. Your Waveland team member. I want to get pictures from everybody.

Keep in touch! (I owe you some money for the camera you gave me in Waveland). Haven't picked up my pictures from RiteAid yet. Will scan soon.

Debra E. Williams
555.555.1212 work
555.555.1212 home
also at williamsdebe@yahoo.com but I don't check often.

hiya, John here...just changing the numbers, she got 'em

Posted by: Debra Elaine Williams at January 6, 2006 04:41 PM