Why Men Are More Than Necessary

By Portia, Archnemesis to Maureen Dowd, only younger and less surgically reconstructed.

~That's going to be the title of my review to Ms. Dowd's Are Men Necessary?: When Sexes Collide, which unfortunately looks like I'm going to have to purchase. Determined to ride the coat tails of the acerbic, liberal man hater, I went to the library to check out her latest contribution to the dying cause of feminism only to discover, to my chagrin, that every copy was checked out. The library said they'd purchased 45 books and that there were 190 holds. This was greatly disappointing in that it signified the popularity of her book. But my brother assured me it was not an indication of that, but rather, that people are trying to avoid buying it. I'm hoping that's right.

I don't want to wait for 235 people to burn through the book, or burn it, so I'll end up buying a discounted copy, I'm sure. I guess when you have a goal in life (to destroy Dowd's ideology) it does require some financial investment. Hopefully mine won't cost me more than $20. Anything more than that won't be worth it to me.

Posted by Portia at January 4, 2006 01:30 PM | TrackBack

Em, I think your review should grow into a book. And if it were released, it would far outsell Ms. Dowdy's own. I'll see you in the autograph line at Barnes and Noble. ;-)

Posted by: Muzzy at January 10, 2006 05:00 AM