Shakespearean Sundays

My not so legal disclaimer: The views (okay, or pictures) expressed on this website by authors not "Portia Rediscovered" do not reflect an endorsement by said blog owner. "PR" or "Portia Rediscovered" has not, nor will, participate in "White Trash Wednesday" or "Socialite Saturdays" or any of the like-minded post parties simply because PR would rather forego writing op-eds on tawdry strumpets to write searing indictments on the likes of Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Bryant Gumbel. While PR recognizes that following the latest law suit by Catherine Zeta-Jones and highlighting the bizarre raids of Italian authorities is virutally the same thing, it still feeds PR's ego to think she's writing about slightly more transcendent issues. Slightly.

In the meantime, in case you hadn't heard, Kevin Federline Spears is planning a rap career. My life is complete.

Posted by Portia at February 19, 2006 10:04 PM | TrackBack