The Intolerant Preachers of Tolerance

Hugh Hewitt has the transcript of his interview with Sean Allen, the high school student who recorded Jay Bennish "teaching geography," up at Radio Blogger.

Sean and his father Jeff both state that the odds of Bennish getting fired are slim to none, and that his termination is not their desire.

The sad but somewhat predictable part of this whole story is that Sean has gotten all sorts of physical threats, anonymously of course.

Sean Allen: With the situation the way it is, I'm looking at other schools that I can attend, just because I put my safety and the safety of my family in front of everything else.

Hugh Hewitt: And...wise thought. Jeff Allen, do you think it's going to end up being somewhere else he'll have to go?

JA: I'm pretty sure it's going to be. But interestingly enough, we've been looking at other schools today, and another school called and asked if Sean would come to their school, if he actually transferred.

More thoughts to come on the role of educators. In the meantime, I have some wicked comment threads, minus a few obscene comments, if you're bored. :)

Posted by Portia at March 6, 2006 12:25 PM | TrackBack

Alright, so I finally listened to the rant.

Two words: fire him.

He is supposed to be teaching Geography, not Noam Chomsky 101.

Posted by: MBMc at March 6, 2006 05:27 PM