

Not long ago, I returned from seeing The Passion for the second time. It was almost a completely different experience seeing it again. The first time I was with a group of about 30 and had to go straight from the theatre to a graduation (Bad planning). This time I went by myself after the Good Friday service.

The first time, the emotions I experienced were also quite different from those I had today. Originally, I was shocked, horrified and terribly angry at Jesus' tormentors. I wanted to leap up into the action and kill them myself. I also found myself thinking (like Simon Peter), "Lord, just make it stop. It doesn't have to be this way. You can make them stop." Wow, complete "get thee behind me, satan" thinking there.

This time, I was so struck at the magnificent cost for my soul. I was, am, humbled beyond words. I think I cried more too...even though I knew blow by blow, literally, what was going to happen. The reality hit so much deeper that His love knows no bounds. I could go on forever about how astounded I am that 'His gospel beckoned me." As I watched I hoped that I would have been one of the followers back then, not a scoffer. But the Bible clearly says that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Even his followers denied Him during the ordeal. Most of that is unproductive thinking anyway; what matters is that I have committed my life to His and will follow Him 'til He calls me home.

I am still processing everything, an opportunity I was not previously afforded. I am so thankful that I was born into a believing family, raised in the ways of the Lord, and am now walking with Him. There is no life outside of Jesus. Thank you Lord for giving yours for mine.

Hope your Good Friday is full of reflection, renewal and whatever other R word Pastor Jim used today :) Blessings on your time with the Lord.

And if I don't post until then, HAPPY EASTER!!

Posted by Portia at April 9, 2004 08:57 PM