The House passed a bill today that makes it illegal for adults to take minors across state lines to get an abortion. This is good news. Finally the Republicans are doing something right. I would encourage you to read the article linked here to see the opposition's arguments. They're actually almost comical, saying that this bill will be dangerous for some girls. Possibly the funniest part of the bill was that the opposition was trying to get an amendment passed so that grandparents and members of the clergy could take young girls across state lines for an abortion. Can you imagine?!?! Grandma taking little so-and-so for her first abortion?!? Or Father Michael taking her?!? Agh! When would that be a possibility? This world can be a very backward and strange place.
Not that I thought Air America above such a vile, childish, ridiculous scheme, but really, do liberals really expect us to take them seriously when this is what they produce? My fellow libs, I'll let you in on a little secret: Joking about killing leaders isn't what we in the adult world like to call "rhetoric" or "engaging conversation" or "intelligent thought." If you ever want to be taken seriously by people who have what we in the scientific community like to call "brains," I'd suggest, studying what we in polite society like to call "discourse." You know, it's when one person says something to someone else that isn't intended to shock, horrify, or cause them to report you to the Secret Service. Hey, if a four year old can learn the difference between good behavior and sick, disgusting, folly, so can you! I believe in you, guys! You can do it! You can overcome!
It's been far too long since I've blogged a political thought. For those waiting with baited breath, here ya go!
This could very well be a hoax, but I think it's still a great laugh.
In the email I received, it said that apparently, since most Syrians don't speak English, they out source the translations for their protest signs. Oops. :) If it ain't true, someone obviously had a little too much fun with their photo shop.
Update: the typo in the caption isn't mine and I can't figure out how to correct it. :) Oh well.
Muzzy, after hours of contemplation, here is my response to the tag. I hope it is sufficient. I love the sculptor comment. I love that song. Thanks for the laugh.
Immediately following there is a list of 18? 19? 20? different occupations. You must select at least 5 of them (feel free to select more). You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select 5 of the items as it was passed to you). Each one begins with "If I could be..." Of the 5 you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. For example, if the selected occupation was "pirate" you might take the phrase "If I could be a pirate..." and add to it "I would sail the 7 Seas, dating lasses from around the world." See how easy that is?
Here's the list:
* If I could be a scientist...
* If I could be a farmer...
* If I could be a musician...
* If I could be a doctor...
* If I could be a painter...
* If I could be a gardener...
* If I could be a missionary...
* If I could be a chef...
* If I could be an architect...
* If I could be a linguist...
* If I could be a psychologist...
* If I could be a librarian...
* If I could be an athlete...
* If I could be a lawyer...
* If I could be an innkeeper...
* If I could be a professor...
* If I could be a writer...
* If I could be a llama-rider...
* If I could be a bonnie pirate...
* If I could be an astronaut...
* If I could be a politician . . .
* If I could be a kid again . . .
* If I could be an animal . . .
* If I could be a tree . . .
* If I could be a celebrity . . .
Blogizdat added:
* If I could be a blogger...
* If I could be a sculptor...
* If I could be a Phd...
* If I could be a supermodel...
* If I could be a Barbie...
I hereby add:
*If I could be Donald's Apprentice....
*If I could be a Japanese rapper...
*If I could be a writer for Travel & Leisure...
*If I could be a first chair violinist...
*If I could be an alpaca farmer...
If I could be a celebrity, I'd say adios reality, people think I'm cool acting like a fool, just cuz I'm on TV...
If I were a linguist, I'd speak a different language every time I entered an elevator just to get back at those dang people who've done that every time I've been in one...I know you're talking about me!!!
If I could be a writer for Travel & Leisure, I'd probably never come home...
That's about all I got for now. I'm tagging Melissa. And if Todd reads this site anymore, I'd love hearing your take. :)
I have neither the time nor energy to blog my own thoughts, so I thought I'd borrow from some others far superior to myself.
Yesterday, my mom and I, along with a good friend and fellow Shakespeare fiend, went to the Shakespeare festival at the Huntington Library. It was in honor of his 441st birthday. I cannot wait to get the pictures developed. I got a picture with The Bard himself. That one will be hilarious, I'm sure, and will be posted post haste.
Anyhow, the day consisted of sauntering about the grounds of the library and happening upon different acts of Shakespeare's plays being presented by a local troupe. It was delightful. The costumes were incredible, hence my desire to get my pics developed (darn those old fashioned 35mm cameras). My mom bought me two books, from which I must quote for your reading pleasure. The first book purchased is called Shakespeare's Insults: Educating Your Wit. The second is The Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility (1856), by Emily Thornwell (good name). Both are incredible, and I know you'll love them. I'll toss you some quips from ol' Bill himself for now. Tomorrow, for a completely different post, I have to write about the gentility book. So, here are some wonderfully wicked insults to hurl at friends, loved ones, and most importantly, enemies.
From Henry IV, Part 2:
"You are as rheumatic as two dry toasts."
"I will not excuse you, you shall not be excused, excuses shall not be admited, there is no excuse shall serve you, you shall not be excused."
~Excuse the comparison, but that one really reminds me of Dr. Evil's "Zip it" banter
From Henry VI, Part 2:
"Contemptuous base-born callet!"
"'Tis but a base ignoble mind that mounts no higher than a bird can soar."
"You obscure and lowly swain!"
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
Part 3:
"Farewell, sour annoy!"
Henry VIII:
"Wife of small wit!"
King Lear:
"Blasts and fogs upon thee!"
"Thou whoreson zed! thou unnecessary letter!"
(That's for you Muzzy and your "John Cleese" post. And, no, I didn't get the hoax part until must remember I am blonde. :)
Measure for Measure:
"Come, you are a tedious fool. To the purpose."
"I pray a thousand prayers for thy death; No word to save thee."
Richard II:
"Go thou and fill another room in hell."
Richard III:
"Thou art unfit for any place but hell."
And one of my all-time favorite lines:
"Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes."
I tried to give quotes for many differing occasions. I hope these are wonderfully helpful to your daily routine. At the very least, think of them on the road. They might make you smile instead of making you want to kill. :)
Oh, and a note to all the absent liberals (first of all, where'd ya go?), you can expect me to pompously toss these in your face when you comment. Just a fair warning. I'll play dirty with my newly expanded Shakespearean vocabulary.
My apologies to those on my "Friends" blogroll. I had a great plan to reconfigure some stuff, but it's just not squeezing in my schedule as planned. So, I just transplanted you to the less political side of the blog. :) Sorry for the delay. Hope your hits weren't suffering, as I know you all get thousands from my site everyday. :)
Before I get started as a book reviewer, I thought I might toss out some of my thoughts on recent books, movies and cds I have been privy to.
Let's start with movies, it's been a while, so I have a few to cover.
All the way back to Merchant of Venice. I saw this movie with great expectations, as the previews had somewhat lead me to believe that this would be an epic version of one of my favorite, and one of Shakespeare's most controversial plays. I was, however, sorely disappointed. I'll give the good news first: Joseph Fienes, Jeremy Irons, and the woman who played Portia were amazing. Al Pacino was alright--slightly stiff and sometimes spastic, but not bad for him in Shakespeare. The worst part of the whole thing was the director's choice of costume, or shall I say lack thereof, in portraying certain sections of Venice. {Oh, and they hardly showed the city itself...very upsetting.} There were basically semi-nude women in many of the critical and deep parts. And it was gratuitous. There was no need for it, nor do I recall the play calling for that depiction. So there was a gargantuan distraction during Shylock's famous soliloquy. I was really angered by this, actually. All this to say, I absolutely do not recommend this movie. It was a complete waste of my time and money. I don't understand those who set out to make Shakespeare remakes and muck them up this badly.
Finding Neverland. If you haven't seen this, you absolutely must rush out right this minute and buy it. Don't rent. Buy. It was that phenomenal. I have not been so moved by a movie since The Passion. But I expected to be moved by Passion; I didn't have any expectations of such a reaction toward this movie. To start, Johnny Depp is brilliant, as usual. He brings such raw emotion and character to life in this film, as does Kate Winslett. The script is amazing, the story will make any grown man cry, the cinematography was stunning and the British children have once again reaffirmed my suspicion that they are entirely superior to American children. The boys, specifically Peter, deserved Oscars. They were wonderful, the film was wonderful, and I would consider it one of my top 10 favorites of all time.
The Ring Two. Not much needs to be said about this sequel,
other than, it's a
sequel. It was okay. If you really liked the first
one, you'll be disappointed. It's very cliche as far as horror films
go. There was a great deal of the "Boo!" type of scenes, intended only
to make you jump. The suspense was there at the beginning, totally gone
in the middle, and the story actually went somewhere at the very end,
just in time for the credits. The first movie spent a great deal of
time telling a story; this movie did not, even though I think the story
with her mom could have been greatly developed. I suppose it also didn't help that there was a woman making strange snoring/snorting sounds in the row ahead of us at every critical moment. That became very funny and quite destructive to the scare factor. But I'm not sure the damage wasn't already done. Oh well. Not a complete
waste because I had free tickets. It's a toss up as far as recommending
it. I'd say, if you really want to, go for it.
Now, here is a terrifying movie. Let me first say that what this movie
intends, it accomplishes. It must have been the attempt of the
director/writer/producers to show what happens when bored, young hicks
go bad tied in with what happens to a family when dad is a crooked
accountant. I did not expect to see Satan on screen, but I did. One of
the initial kidnappers, I say initial because there's an entirely
separate group of terrorist/kidnappers later, becomes Charles Manson
meets Marilyn Manson. His character was completely gratuitous, in my
opinion. This was an over the top write, and I really didn't care for
it one bit. They were trying too hard. Secondly, the plot really needed
a little bit of help. Every scene was tight and built upon the suspense
of the last, however, it just went places that are really never likely
to exist. I mean, come on, one group of soul-less thugs breaks into
rich, white girl's house to steal daddy's Escalade, ends up torching the
place and terrifying everyone, meanwhile another completely different
group of terrorists kidnap another family, threaten to destroy planet
earth basically and did I mention remain faceless the entire movie?
Once you leave the theater, which I actually did twice because I
couldn't handle the violence toward children, you'll think, "What? Who
the heck were those other guys, what the heck was the dad, what the
heck happened and man does Bruce Willis' daughter look just like him
and Demi!?" If you are an adrenaline junky, go see this. If you are a
parent or responsible in any part for the well-being of children, avoid
this at all cost. This movie will terrify you far more than Ransom. I
do not recommend it in that case. I personally hated this film, but I
know that's partially because of what I do, so I'm not going to say
it's horrible. It just was for me. If you don't believe me, just read
the reviews. They were extremely articulate in their dislike, and often
verry funny, too. Don't take my word on it; look those up.
I loved this movie. I heard reviewers call this predictable and lacking
in chemistry. But I loved it. Will Smith and Eva Mendes are hilarious,
oh, and who could forget Kevin James? Kevin was awesome. I have always
loved him, but he is just so funny and endearing in this film. The
script is good and the moral is better. I highly recommend this film. I
don't want to say too much because I just think you should see it
without me tipping you off to anything.
I think that's a long enough post for now. Let me know if you agree, disagree, found this helpful, unhelpful, too little too late...whateva! I want to know your thoughts. Thanks for hearing mine out.
So much for books and cds. I'll get to those later rather than running the risk of tormenting you with more.
Many of you know that I have spent most of my later teenage years and early adulthood pursuing the sharpening of what I think is our highest faculty, the mind. There is no replacement for it, and likewise, there is probably nothing so underdeveloped in our culture. We spend a great deal of time on our self-esteem, our personal pleasure, recreation, and "the pursuit of happiness," but rarely do you hear one say she is ardently developing her critical thinking skills. But critical thinking has been a close companion to me, and I've created this site to inspire that in others.
One such person who always inspires me to better myself, pursue wisdom and clarity, and draw closer to God is Dennis Prager. Most of you hear me talk about him ad nauseum, and that is because he is tremendously significant in my life.
At the beginning of this year, Dennis launched a series of articles that help to explain and defend Judeo-Christian values. C.S. Lewis had his Mere Christianity. Dennis Prager has now his Mere Judeo-Christian values. I've directed readers to one of those articles, but I'm now going to start at the beginning and weekly direct you to that series. I know they will enrich any life, and I hope they will enlighten and inspire you as they have me.
Here is the first of the series called Better Answers: The Case for Judeo-Christian Values. Here is a portion from the beginning. I highly recommend you read it fully; it's really something that will add to your life.
With this first column of 2005, I inaugurate a periodic series of columns devoted to explaining and making the case for what are called Judeo-Christian values.
There is an epic battle taking place in the world over what value system humanity will embrace. There are essentially three competitors: European secularism, American Judeo-Christianity and Islam. I have described this battle in previous columns.
Now, it is time to make the case for Judeo-Christian, specifically biblical, values. I believe they are the finest set of values to guide the lives of both individuals and societies. Unfortunately, they are rarely rationally explained -- even among Jewish and Christian believers, let alone to nonbelievers and members of other faiths.
So this is the beginning of an admittedly ambitious project. Vast numbers of people are profoundly disoriented as to what is good and what is bad. Just to give one example: Take the moral confusion over the comparative worth of human and animal life.
It's a satisfying and overwhelmingly wonderful feeling when you think your choice of profession just kicks the pants off most other professions. I'm sorry, being a musician beats being an administrative assistant, accountant, retailer anyday. No offense to those in said professions, as I've worked in two of the three many a time.
But being a musician by trade, or striving to that end, is amazing. As much as the music industry is highly unpredictable, full of the world's most vapid individuals, and stingy (for actual talent; see Russ Ferrante for of the best, yet not making what Britney does), it is still one of the most incredible professions out there.
I've heard many athiests remark that being at a concert is like a religious experience. More astute observers remarked that being at a concert of good musicians (such as the LA Phil) was about as close to God, if they believed in him, as one could get. I would have to agree. You cannot hear beautiful music and not be moved, if you're truly a human being. You can put the most drugged out, punk loving kid in the front row of a performance of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, or any number of Beethoven symphonies, or more recently a performance of the Schindler's List soundtrack, and you will most certainly have a changed kid thereafter. {Parents, this would be a good litmus test in terms of if your child actually has a soul. :) }
All that to say, I hope that everyone reading this is able to enjoy their career and find the beauties and challenges in it something that adds to life rather than burdens it.
Some hits on my website have come from the following searches today:
1. Lindsey Lohan Tour schedule --consequently this searcher found my "Vocalists" post (see below) ranting about starletts like Lindsey. Too funny. I also spelled her name official correction would rant against Lindsay Lohan.
2. "Doug Giles" pic
3. Ann Coulter sexual orientation
4. Josh Groban, Jewish Christian
5. Personal Stats on Johnny Rzeznik --soo flattered that my site appears when you search this.
And of course,
6.. Ellen and Portia
I used to get at least 80 hits a day by those who search for pictures of black & white roses. However, that picture search has been surpassed by those searching for pictures of the characters from The Incredibles. Frankly, I find that more satisfying that pictures of roses. I'd take Edna Mode any day over a white rose picture. :)
Soulstice has been updated. Finally, I know! :)
I will post something interesting ASAP, which means "as soon as possible," not "right away," just as a reminder. :) I have too little time to really develop any thought worth reading, so I don't want to hastily post something trite, though I've been known to indulge in the trivial every once in a while. Trite is fine sometimes. And after all, lemon curd trifle is one of my favorite desserts (apart from tiramisu, of course). See you soon, or "as soon as possible. "
Oh yeah, and as of next week, I might be famous. Of course, alongside one of my friends. You might want to request autographs now. I take payments with PayPal. That'll be ...$50.00 a pop, we're thinkin. Great.
Don't ask me how I found this, but I did. It's way too much fun. I know some of you will use it for things "nor so good," to quote Mr. Bean, but I had a blast.
I'm reconfiguring certain aspects of my site, so if you don't see your url on here for a few days, please don't panic. It will be back. I'm just restructuring some of my typelists. That's all. Have a fabulous weekend!
There's more than one reason why I become defensive when someone asks me if I'm a vocalist. I just have to take a second and explain what those reasons are because I've had my fill of "vocalists" for today.
To begin with, I apologize if I offend any singers. I am technically one of you, but in writing this I hope you can look deep within yourself (if that's possible) and consider possible changes if said offenses apply to you, which I am sure they do not.
The number one reason I refuse to be labeled a vocalist is that they know hardly anything about music but walk around as if they created it. Agh! And this is no isolated event... it's an epidemic.
The number two reason: they put up fronts with new people because they don't want to get back stabbed once they're super famous. (Another uni-syllabic, frustrated utterance.)
Number three: Some women in male dominated professions overcompensate by becoming too masculine and emasculate men. Well, vocalists mostly swing the other way and play up the "easy" vibe. There is a happy medium, ladies. You don't have to dress like men and act like them, but you also don't have to dress like one of Madam Fleiss' girls.
And the final reason I've had enough is that at my school, the piano players get ripped off of quantity practice time while at school because there aren't enough rooms. But the singers get private vocal labs with keyboards and computers in them!! Most of the time the girls just sit and talk in them. But then walk out with the "Mariah Carey's got nuthin on me!!" attitude, of course.
Forgive me for ranting. I've just had my fill for the day and had to let off some steam. :) I'm sure vocalists are wonderful people....or are potentially wonderful people. It just needs to be cultivated in them a bit more. Or something.
If this list wasn't exhaustive enough, here are some other reasons, examples rather:
Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson, Britney Spears, Anyone on American Idol, Lindsey Lohan, and Hillary Duff. I say we give them a music quiz to determine whether they're allowed to remain in this field. First question ladies: How many keys are there in an octave? Too easy? How about, how many key signatures are there? What's a key signature you say? Yeah...
You have to read this article. It's a wonderful look into the hearts and minds of the pie hurdlers. Well said. Enjoy.
On another aside, I am trying to create a new typelist of my favorite posts, so you can look up Emily's "Top Ten" so to speak. I've also added another blogger to my Bloggerville list (The Red Guy one...yeah, at the top). Right after I added him, he posted a picture of what has to be a Frenchman in his natural habitat. If you're offended, well, okay. :)
Ever wonder what President Bush has on his iPod? Well, now you know. :)
I'm finally a critic! I've always wanted to be, but never had the opportunity. Well, now I do. I've become a member of Mind & Media, a website I discovered through DaddyPundit.
Anyhow, click here to find out what this company is all about in their own words. Basically, they provide publicity for authors and film makers by distributing their products out to reviewers, who blog about their product. It's a really ingenious idea. Wish I'd thought of it first!
I'll have their logo on the right hand side of my page as long as I'm a reviewer for them. I'm very excited about this. Stay tuned for my amazing insights on books!
A trivial, ironic and highly entertaining story I thought I'd share:
On my way home yesterday, I was driving behind a white F150 with a shell. On this truck's shell was writing advertising the driver's occupation. On one side was something like, "Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate." And on the back was, "Soothe your mind and body. Massage Therapy." And then a phone number was given, which I did not take down, and you'll know why in a minute.
As we all were driving, a car in front of the white truck slows to a stop, turns on his left blinker and waits to turn left into an alley. Perfectly legitimate. Well, the truck driver began honking, screaming obscenities and shaking his fist out the window. He was so obnoxious that someone on the sidewalk yelled at him and told him, "Shhh!" This was a Sunday afternoon, for goodness sake. I was half tempted to call the number on the back and inform them as to why I would never be using their services.
Anyhow, after the raucous, we proceeded onward when all of the sudden the truck stopped, turned on his left blinker and waited to turn left onto another street, all the while holding up a good amount of traffic. I laughed the rest of the way home. Only in Los Angeles.
I've just finished watching a portion Pope John Paul II's funeral. It's nearing 2 a.m., so I'm calling it quits, but just a few reflections before I head off.
1. I've really never witnessed anything so reverent. People are so quiet, but at times erupt in applause. I'm not entirely sure at what (Italian's a bit rusty), but it's really remarkable. What an amazing event. The world is truly watching. The mainstream media has no choice but to cover it. I just hope it makes a difference.
2. It's really wonderful to see our nation's leaders at the service. It's amazing to know that there are hundreds of world leaders united in honoring this man's life.
3. There is something wonderfully mystical and beautiful about the Catholic tradition. I'm in awe of how this service is being conducted. If you're awake, I would encourage you to streamline it right now.
Lastly, and most trivial, I think Latin and Italian are so beautiful. I love hearing the priests and cantors speak and sing in those languages. I hope to catch the rest of the ceremony sometime. What a moving experience. We are truly alive at a very unique time in history.
A picture I took while in St. Peter's Basilica.
Hugh Hewitt has posted an email from a priest in Rome describing the events that have unfolded in the past week. His is a long and very moving letter. Hugh requests that his readers read the email in its entirety, and I do to. Though it is long, it is riveting, heart-felt and extremely reverent. Who better to write than a priest who has served under John Paul II for over 12 years, three of which have been in Rome?
While reading it, I was struck by the fact that I have been to all of the places he describes. I stayed off Corso Vittorio Emmanuele. I rode those buses and walked those streets all while John Paul was alive. It's strange now knowing that the next time I venture over there, it will be under the direction of a new pontiff. What a sight that must be to see all of those pilgrims waiting for 12 hours or more for a few seconds with the leader they so dearly loved. This is truly historic.
Cardinal Camerlengo spoke these words to end a service held recently:
“Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.
I second that.
What a team. Heaven's Gain, Our Loss.
I have been pondering what things I could contribute to the wave of accolades said of the dear, late Pope John Paul II, but I have come to the conclusion that, 1. I am not a Catholic and therefore probably shouldn't be so presumptuous to speak of someone who was far more significant to far more people than myself, and 2. I could nowhere near match the beauty and eloquence of so many who have already memorialized him in writing. Basically, whatever could be said has been said by countless others who are far more involved and far more articulate. Therefore, I will refer you to those people who are more qualified to laud the legacy of a truly magnificent man.
The first person I must send you to is Peggy Noonan. She being Reagan's former speech writer possesses bard-like qualities I could only dream of attaining one day. She writes about the Pope's influence in destroying the evils of communism. Brilliant piece. I hope as you read you are able to reflect on the impact one life can make when fully committed to God and the service of mankind.
The other forum I must send you to is The Weekly Standard. There are so many articles on the Pope that I thought it best just to send you directly there so you can choose which to peruse and which to save for later. (I am preferential toward Hugh Hewitt, just FYI.) I will expect a 1,000 word reflection from all of you! :)
Once again, pray for Italy as the funeral is in but a few hours. Pray for security, for the strength of those who are organizing and facilitating the event (i.e. every human in the Vatican City), and pray that the impact of his life and death is lasting and heard 'round the world.
Typepad has been causing me great difficulty today so it's been near impossible to post anything so far. To be continued.
I'm off to work and play, but I promise I will have something posted tonight, both on this site and on Soulstice.
If you read my first post about worship, you'll know that I wrote about Abraham and the significance of his obedience in taking Isaac to be sacrificed. I have much more on that topic to be posted later. The theme will be Worship as Complete Obedience. It's a heavy topic, one that I'm predominantly writing for myself as a reminder. :) So, I won't be so much "preaching to the choir" as I will be "preaching to the preacher." See you soon!
And if you haven't yet, please check out the new sites on my Bloggerville blogroll. R Cubed, Night Writer and Blogizdat are some of my favorite websites, along with DaddyPundit and ShakingSpears, of course. And no, the last one doesn't have anything to do with Britney, though that might be an aspiration. Yes? No? Any comment Mr. Shaker? :)
I promise I'll post something of worth soon, and something about the Pope, no doubt, but I just couldn't resist sharing this. Apparently, the Desperate Housewives made quite a scene at their Vanity Fair shoot, leaving the photographers et al desperately insane afterward. Even the cover denotes the lunacy of these vain and mildly fair women. Enjoy! It's about the only piece of unimportant gossip you'll get from these lips (fingers, really) for quite some time (I'd give it a week).
I've officially had over 40,000 hits on my website in this last year, averaging about 300 a day. Now I know that many of those hits are from the same people, and that 40 grand isn't a whole lot in a year, but I still say it's pretty darn good for a humble blogger. :) Or a blogger anyway.
So, thanks for reading! I absolutely love writing and truly appreciate the fact that people are willing to read what I write. Who knew!
Just a few thoughts to appease the blogophants.
I will be posting at length shortly. :) (Like that one?) I'm back in school and figuring out a brand new schedule. Bear with me a little while longer.
In the meantime, keep the Catholic church in your prayers. I get slightly overwhelmed when I really think about John Paul II being gone. I plan on posting about him as soon as I get a chance. What an amazing, courageous, resilliant, wonderful, godly man. I could go on and on.
I am hoping that God uses his life and death to ignite a spark in the hearts and lives of observant Catholics and Christians everywhere, especially in Italy. The church over there was full of ritual and tradition (which I certainly do not oppose), however, the life had gone from most of it. They were almost involuntary actions, from what I observed. I have a great feeling that things might be different from here on out--those same activities carried out with a little more expectancy and desire to see something of the miraculous occur each time. I hope so.